Sign Up

If you think survivalrun might be something for you, you can join 3 training moments throughout the whole year to see if you like the sport. This is only possible on the days that Tjerk is the trainer. In September (and February), there are specific open training sessions where extra attention is paid to (potential) new members and the basic techniques.

After these 3 free introduction trainings it is obligatory to become a member of D.S.S.V. Tartaros to keep training, but this also gives you the option to come to all the other fun activities organized by the association. To become a member you need to fill in a recurring membership form, which you can get at training from a board member. It is also possible to become a member for the current semester only.


In total, the costs of becoming a member of Tartaros consist of 4 elements:

  1. Contribution from Tartaros
    The contribution is set every year at the GMM.
    In 2024-2025 the contribution is €35 for a year and €20 for a semester membership.

  2. UnionCard or CampusCard
    As a UT student, you need to be in possession of a UnionCard, which costs €75 a year (€65 if you buy it before 15 October).
    As a Saxion student, you need to be in possession of a CampusCard, which costs €125 a year.

  3. Association fee
    For students with a UnionCard: €35 a year.
    For students with a CampusCard: €75 a year.

  4. SBN membership
    It is obligatory to become an SBN member. This costs you €22 a year.

In total a yearly membership including contribution, UnionCard/CampusCard, association fee, and SBN membership are as follows:

  • UT student: €35 + €65 + €35 + €22 = €157
  • Saxion student: €35 + €125 + €75 + €22 = €257

If you become a member, you will receive an email that explains exactly how/where you pay these obligations. For questions, contact the secretary.

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